What is an Ombudsperson?
The role of the Graduate Student Ombudsperson at Florida State University is to provide confidential assistance to graduate students who have followed the General Academic Appeals Process (Student Grievances).
The Graduate Student Ombudsperson serves as a resource and independent/neutral party for graduate students, who may have a university related concern, to help explore matters by providing a safe space for confidential examination of options and strategies to serious concerns. Through independence, neutrality, impartiality, and confidentiality, the Graduate Student Ombudsperson seeks to provide clarity and direction to difficult issues, as well as provide graduate students with a mechanism to voice their concerns.
Such problems may include, but are not limited to:
- Interpersonal conflicts involving graduate students and their instructors, faculty members, advisors/major professors, or other administrative concerns.
- Graduate student complaints pertaining to academic issues at the level closest to the perceived problem (may be related to grades, but excluding grade appeals and academic integrity, as a separate process exists at the university for such concerns).
- Potential misinterpretation of graduate university policies or procedures.
- Etc.
The Graduate Student Ombudsperson will not identify a graduate student without permission of the individual except where required by law, required by university policy, or if we believe that such disclosure is necessary to address an imminent risk of serious harm.
With permission, the Graduate Student Ombudsperson may informally and impartially look into a situation and may facilitate communication or assist with resolving a dispute. In helping to move a conflict toward a resolution, the Graduate Student Ombudsperson does not judge, reward, or discipline any parties.
Core Principles:
- Independence: The Ombudsperson is independent in function and appearance to the highest degree possible within the organization.
- Confidentiality: Identities and concerns discussed with the Ombudsperson will not be shared with anyone else without permission, except to the extent required by law, including without limitation, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
- Informality: The Ombudsperson is an informal resource that considers the interests and concerns of all members of the student community.
- Impartiality: The Ombudsperson does not take sides, but considers the rights and interests of all parties involved in searching for a fair resolution to the problem.
When Should I Contact the Graduate Student Ombudsperson?
Graduate students are strictly advised to follow the General Academic Appeals Process (Student Grievances), as outlined below, before contacting the Graduate Student Ombudsperson.
Graduate students must first contact their instructor, the Department Chair (or chairperson equivalent), and Associate Dean in their Dean’s Office before seeking assistance from the Graduate Student Ombudsperson. For extenuating circumstances, in which a graduate student may not feel comfortable meeting with one the required unit-level parties due to a conflict of interest or other reason, they must contact the Graduate Student Ombudsperson for guidance.

Useful Links and Resources
* Not handled by this office
This site allows you to share important information regarding serious incidents or concerning behavior happening in the Florida State University community.
* Other useful links
Contact Information
To contact the Graduate Student Ombudsperson, please send a short email describing your situation to gradombuds@fsu.edu. In the email, you must indicate that you have formalized the grievance and followed the General Academic Appeals Process (Student Grievances). One of the Graduate Student Ombudspersons will be in contact with you regarding next steps.
Mr. James Beck
Graduate Student Ombudsperson
(850) 644-3501